O movimento mundial a favor das florestas se intensifica cada vez mais. Não haverá mais lugar para os devastadores e extratores ilegais.
A carta abaixo, é uma carta aberta de vários importadores europeus de madeira Brasileira. Ela deixa clara a mensagem. Somente terá vez, madeira certificada, e rastreável.
A Signumat é líder em soluções para a rastreabilidade da madeira a mais de 40 anos! vem com a gente!
Dear Sir or Madam
We are a group of timber importing companies specialized in tropical timber and active in the European market. Our intention with this message is to draw your attention to the current demands and trends in regard with sustainable and certified timber in our markets.
Here are some of the key trends we have identified:
• As part of a green transition towards biobased materials, we experience a growing demand for timber products. Tropical timber should be included in this development.
• We experience stricter requirements for documentation in terms of both legality and sustainability, from authorities and from professional and private specifiers likewise.
• The EU Commission seeks to minimize the EU’s contribution to deforestation and forest degradation worldwide and to promote the consumption of products from deforestation-free supply chains in the EU.
• Requirement for Life-cycle assessments (LCA) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) on all types of materials is emerging fast. Tropical timber is far behind in terms of this type of documentation.
• We experiences a lack of FSC certified timber in general and on certain species in particular.
• IMAFLORA 2020 Forest Analysis (attached) highlights that: There is a potential to increase the area in concession in Brazil to more than 7 million hectares in southern Amazonas and western Pará.
• Forest management standards on concessional lands are very much equivalent to those of FSC, meaning that these areas have a great potential for becoming FSC-certified.
• One of the main bottlenecks in the process of certifying more forest is producer’s uncertainty about the demand for FSC certified timber.
We will do our best to sustain the market share of sustainably sourced and certified timber, and we pledge to contribute to the needed
product documentation.
By signing up on this letter we therefore state our interest in:
• Timber of good and sustainable origin and non destructive logging methods.
• Forest management practices which sustain long term forest production.
• FSC certified timber, including more lesser known timber species.
With this statement, we hope to be able to provide extra motivation to initiate or resume processes that leads to an increased area of state and federal Concessions and of FSC certified forest area in Brazil. From our point of view, it is important that we look further ahead and prepare more forest land for the future market requirements we foresee.
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